Send Medicine – ‘By Telepathy & Reputation’ (2021)

Uncategorized July 15, 2021

Send Medicine – ‘By Telepathy & Reputation’ (2021)

‘By Telepathy & Reputation’ by Send Medicine carves out a very intoxicating space, where with the band’s crystal-clear notes, hushed vocals and fuzzed guitars, the record manages to dance across my room with emancipation and grace, delivering something very personal and rewarding, harking back to long gone images of Laurel Canyon and all of the splendor that blossomed there.

Send Medicine deliciously ride the currents of dream-pop and imaginative neo-psychedelic in a nearly ebbing romantic fashion of starburst rapture, revealing songs that are seamlessly bright and imaginatively textured. ‘Telepathy & Reputation’ is a playful captivating outing, one filled with wasted wanderlust and splendor, a blissful couch-bound time-slip extraordinaire, one that eases you through a lost afternoon (simply consider ‘High In The Rain’) and should not be missed for any reason if you’re one of those who’s inclined to let your mind roam around in the clouds for any amount of time at all.

In the end, when all is said and done, Send Medicine get around to answering the age old question, “Can fantasy become reality?” Musically, all of the numbers are sonic excursions, marvels of atmospheric breathless wayfaring liberation that deliver an upturned smile with each listen.

*** The Fun Facts: According to Julian, the album’s title is a riff on the idea of “Do you know this person?” With the answer being, “Yes, but only by reputation.” He goes onto say that he tossed the concept of ‘Telepathy’ into the mix as he enjoyed the mystery that surrounded it, while achieving the feeling of being open-ended.

Jenell Kesler

Send Medicine – ‘By Telepathy & Reputation‘ (2021)

Send Medicine – ‘Mermaids on the Verandah’ (2018)

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