
RYL – “Ian Curtis (Frying Burgers)” premiere

October 17, 2018



RYL – “Ian Curtis (Frying Burgers)” premiere

“Ian Curtis (Frying Burgers)” is the story of a twisted romance with its anti climax in a Berlin burger joint with a chef resembling Ian Curtis and the teller being a homage to Phil Lynott. 

With the 13th Floor Elevators playing in the background the moment could be perfect. The fact that it’s not takes you from “despite everything I’ve done for her” to “yeah, actually nothing besides drinking her booze and smoking her fags” to “stop whining, idiot, this is still nice” along with some major chords and the idea for borrowing a green screen. Obviously. To listen to the full record, check out https://roodwoofrecords.bandcamp.com/album/cape-carnage
Photo by Kira Eilenna
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