
Próxima Parada – “Desert Bloom II” premiere

May 17, 2018



Próxima Parada – “Desert Bloom II” premiere

From the moment the beautifully crafted, perfectly toned guitar notes enter your ear drum, you may immediately be brought to a place of such legendary California bands such as Circles Around the Sun, Chris Robinson Brotherhood, Beachwood Sparks and even The Grateful Dead. 
One element to this track the sets the band apart is the soulful almost ancient sound vocals of frontman Nick Larson. The sound of his voice feels like it’s plucked from the Topanga Canyon era David Crosby recording sessions. “Desert Bloom II” is synced harmoniously with footage from the powerful documentary Where There Once Was Water. The footage shot by Brittany Anzel App takes you through a vivid California landscape and explores the wonders of the great state of California. We hope to hear much more in the future from this intensely talented San Luis Obispo band. Check out their album on Spotify.
Band Site 
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