The Nebulae Ensemble | Interview
The Nebulae Ensemble is a great instrumental trio from Ljubljana, Slovenia. They recently released their debut album, ‘Sin palabras’.
The band consists of Vid Geršak on guitar, Samo Brezočnik on bass and Rok Skoliber on drums. After one year of practicing and gigging they have put out their first album called ‘Sin palabras’ and they are already working on the next one.
You recently self-released your debut album.
Samo Brezočnik: Well, honestly I’m very satisfied with it. At first we didn’t intend to put out an album. We just wanted to record something live, so we could hear how we play, more like a demo. But we were satisfied with the results, so we decided to put out the recordings like an album.

What can you say about the material you recorded?
I started the band approximately one year ago, then with a different drummer and guitarist. By the time Rok and Vid joined the band I had about 3 songs competed and a few in working. But the songs changed with the new setup. In short, all songs are younger than one year and one is a cover of Garage a Trois’s ‘Delta Skelta’.
“Our songs mainly come from jamming.”

We recorded it live, so this is the reason for the minor sound problems. The bass is rough, sometimes too rough, the guitar a bit atmospheric and drums lack a bit of a low-end, but in general the sound is great, especially according to our budget of 200€ and 9 hours in a DIY Studio.
How do you usually approach music making?
We set the drums up, plug-in and tune (occasionally) the guitars and then we start jamming. Our songs mainly come from jamming. But we also rehearse the songs we already have put together, than we jam a bit more till we run out of time.

I think the essence of the band is playing live.
Firstly a thank you is in order for the kind words. I can say that we are pleased with the “live” sound, but as you all now it’s not just the band, the sound technician also has a great responsibility with the sound and we don’t have one of our own, so it differs from time to time, from stage to stage.

What are some bands/musicians that have a big influence on you?
Influences you say, where do I start…We listen to all kinds of music, so I will just write down our major influences. Vid’s heroes are Ritchie Blackmore, Stevie Ray Vaughan, BB King, Wes Montgomery,…

Rok’s influences are John Bonham, Carmine Appice, Stanton Moore, Billy Cobham, Danny Carey, Tim Alexander,…
My influences come from a variety of genres, from hip-hop to death metal. The main are John Paul Jones, Victor Wooten, Jaco Pastorius,…
Where can we order your album?
You can get it from band members, their friends, or you can send an e-mail to You can also get them at all our gigs.

What are some future plans?
Our plans are to record as much as we can and to have many concerts. We don’t plan to get signed by a record label, it’s a waste of time and energy but I guess we wouldn’t say no if the conditions were right.

Did you release anything else?
No, not yet. We are currently working on our second album which will see the light of day in fall 2012.
‘Don’t Mind The Chickens’ is a fun piece!
‘Don’t Mind The Chickens’ is entirely a jam. It consists of 2 parts. The first is inspired by Frank Zappa’s ‘Gumbo Variations’, with which it shares the intro (sort of). The second part is so called free jazz.

Thank you. Last word is yours.
Yes, I want to thank all of our listeners, especially you Klemen. I hope we’ll see each other at our gigs, the first one is this Friday in Orto Bar (10.2.2012). Samo Brezočnik
Klemen Breznikar
The Nebulae Ensemble Bandcamp