The Nebulae Ensemble – ‘Sin palabras’ (2011)
The Nebulae Ensemble is an instrumental trio from Ljubljana. They are influenced by many different genres. The band recently self-released ‘Sin palabras’.
“Sin palabras” means in Spanish “without words”. At first my curiosity started only because of the name of the album, but once I downloaded it, I was really fascinated by their playing! You need only a few seconds to realize the intentions of this young Slovenian “power trio”. ‘Groovich’ starts with a marvelous vibe… Just pure music! I usually have the need to ask myself, how would this sound with a voice? Well, in this case that wasn’t necessary. A high point on the album is definitely the jam that closes the album, ‘Don’t mind the chickens’. There are other great songs on here, like for instance ‘Lament’ and ‘No man’s blues’. The rest are nearly as good. Their main influence is the capacity in mixing so many different styles with their very own personality.

It’s obvious that this record is created by music lovers with lots of enthusiasm. I have to say that I am completely captivate by their sound. They are more interested in playing music than anything else. I would love to see some label having some interest in releasing their music on vinyl.
Enrique Rivas
The Nebulae Ensemble – ‘Sin Palabras’ (Self-released 2011)