
Odyssey interview

April 1, 2012



Odyssey interview

Odyssey formed in Long Island, New York and recorded Setting Forth in A1 Studios. It was pressed in quantity of 500 – 1000. Vinny E. Kusy was their organ player.

Where and when did you grow up?

Vinny E. Kusy: I grew up (did I?)… I’m sort of a ‘grey haired’ teenager. Well now, until 4th grade my family resided in Queens, New York. I started playing piano approximately age 4. I love(d) keyboards! Sang with a Church Choir-1st soprano. Hmm, I imagine that from 5th-8th grade we lived in Hollywood Hills, California. I attended Hollywood professional. Absolutely wonderful. There were Disney Musketeers and many others in my everyday experience. I also sang with the world famous ‘Mitchell Boys’ during this time.

Vinny E. Kusy with his mother
12 years old Vinny E. Kusy
Vinny E. Kusy in his school band

Can you elaborate the formation of Odyssey?

From 9th-12th grade it was back to N.Y.- Brooklyn this time (I consider myself ‘Bi-coastal’). From 11th-12th grade it was ‘outta’ Brooklyn to Long Island where I met Lou Yovino. We began singing ‘acapella’ on street corners. Later I bought a ‘Farfisa’ organ, Lou bough a PA system. We auditioned lead, bass guitar players and drummers as we put together the original Odyssey. It was Joe Docko (original lead guitar), Dave Keene (bass guitar), John Willems (drummer) and it began.

Vinny E. Kusy
Vinny E. Kusy and Lou Yovino
Karen and Vinny E. Kusy
Vinny E. Kusy
John Willems and Dennis Pennaga
John Willems and Fred Callan
Ray Lesch and Jim
Vinny E. Kusy and Lou Yovino
Lou Yovino
Lou Yovino
Tom Doncourt
Lou Yovino
Dennis Pennaga
Fred Callan
Fred Callan and Lou Yovino
Vinny E. Kusy
John Willems and Fred Callan
John Willems and Lou Yovino
Lou Yovino
Lou Yovino
Vinny E. Kusy
Vinny E. Kusy
Fred Callan
Jay Sharkey

The Farfisa organ became a Hammond M3, which then became a Hammond B3, a Hohner Electric Piano and Mini Moog, which rounded out Odyssey’s original key instruments. Dave Keene, for reason of his own, became the groups head roadie. He was replaced by Ray Lesch, bassist extraordinaire. Now you have Lou, Vin, Joe, Ray and John comprising the group. One more change occurred. Joe Docko was replaced by Dennis Pennaga. Joe sought solo projects, as you will see when you search his name. This was the Setting Forth. Roster, Lou, Vin, Dennis, Ray, and John. We played clubs, theaters and outside concerts for years. We opened for Billy Joel and many others, too many to name here. OH HEY! We played for Major Lindsey of NYC at Gracie Mansion by special invitation.

Setting Forth was released in 1971.

We recorded Setting Forth in NYC in auspiciously named A1 Studios W. 74th St. between Broadway and West End Ave. I’ll never forget our recording engineer, picture Santa Claus, with red hair and beard. He was lovingly nicknamed ‘Red Beard’.

“Organic Production”

Joe Carlton, executive producer (best known for “How Much Is That Doggie In The Window”) from the 50’s. Kenny Stella, producer, his loyalty and dedication to Odyssey had no equal. The white ‘artless’ cover artwork resulted from no one agreeing on artwork, period.

Pressings: 500-1000, that was it.

Organic label sited Budgetary Constraints… We were their ‘Bastard Child’, haha.

Now then: Tom Doncourt, the inimitable Tom showed up at one of our concerts, all of 14 years old, as I recall. This then spurred a life long friendship. He was also a part of the Odyssey group (mellotron and percussion in the group’s latter days, and just before he formed the Cathedral group).

Member changes: Setting Forth and Live At Levittown Memorial Auditorium 1974: John Willems, Drummer (went on, became a doctor). Ray Lesch, Bassist (became a fill time teacher), Dennis Pennaga, Lead Guitar (disappeared).

Replaced by:
Jay Sharkey on Drums
Fred Callan – Bass Guitar
Lead Guitar – not replaced. Group went to stronger keyboard fill and Rickenbacker bass drifting between Bass + head – Hooray!

In the final days Tom Doncourt – “Cathedral” joined “Odyssey” with Mellotron/Electric Piano and Vinny handled Hammond B3 + Moog Synthesizer.

Songs commentary:
“Angel Dust”
Our break song. 30 mins Leads on stage.

Our slow it down interlude into sweetness.

” Church Yard”
A step into spirituality.

“You’re Not There”
Vinnie’s favorite.

“Got To Feel It” + “Tied by a Rope”
Guitar songs, even though “Tied by a Rope” was mixed wrong. Organ up, guitar down. Backwards! Oh well.

“Society’s Child”
Social commentary + our single.

“Denky’s Boogie”
Spontaneous creation in the studio. Dennis sings Lead. st. Elmos Fire – written in 10 minutes one morning before sun up.

Live At Levittown Memorial Auditorium 1974
Obviously influenced by the “Yes” group. Hello Yes in England, we’re Odyssey (from across the pond).

When you listen to Yngwie Malmsteen and then review “Rata Blanca” in Mexico. Well, the influence is pretty evident.

All music written by Vinny. All lyrics written by Louie.

Vinny E. Kusy and Tom Doncourt

Future projects?

Currently working on collaboration with Tom Doncourt from Cathedral. Fingers crossed! Into the future. We go there but for the grace of God.

– Klemen Breznikar

Cathedral interview with Tom Doncourt

  1. Anonymous says:

    Fantastic New York music history, this should be more well known. Listening to "Setting Forth" for the first time Oct 2018, I feel so sad, why wasnt this ever played on all the asinine repetitive NY stations over the years.
    Im lovin this album so far…new, different things nobody ever did. People are so limited, theres so much great music out there to discover…MADE NEARLY 50 YEARS AGO!!
    Go find it.

    You be well Vinny, thanks for the music.

  2. Kevin Keller says:

    I roadied for Odyssey back in the day when they cut there first album.
    We were like family, with everyone having different roles. We would sometimes listen to an album over and over to get the words right. A lot of found memories were made.
    Myself I moved north to the great white of Hunter Mountain and continued in the entertainment industry but from club side.

  3. Brennen Ames says:

    I’d like to tell Vincent how much I love the setting forth album! Do you have a contact for him? Let me know thank you!

  4. Karen says:

    Hi Vinny,
    Hope your doing well, thought to look up Helga, Louie and anyone else from long ago past. Just thought to say Hi. My condolences for Louie’s family..

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