The Black Angels interview about upcoming ‘Indigo Meadow’
Indigo Meadow, The Black Angels’ fourth studio album, will be released on April 2nd, 2013. Christian Bland took his time to answer a few questions about the upcoming release.
How was the recording process? Was it similar to Phosphene Dream?
We started working on the album in Austin in January 2012 and wrote 30 songs thru June. In August we went to Tornillo, TX to record at Sonic Ranch. We recorded 16 songs, 13 of which ended up on the album. The process was different than Phosphene Dream which was recorded in LA at Sunset Sound. I think the environment and what’s happening in our lives makes its way onto the album and influences the way it sounds. We worked with John Congleton on this album and his approach was different than Dave Sardy. Both producers were great to work with. It’s like painting with watercolors on one album and using oils on the next…same task, just different mediums.

Is there any specific concept behind the album?
I think the songs have similar themes to the songs on our other albums. We want people to rethink their preconceived notions.
What do you think is the biggest difference from Phosphene Dream?
Indigo Meadow is like chapter 2 in the fairy tale we’re writing. The plot has developed. The listener is starting to get a broader picture of where the story is going. The only difference is that this chapter was written with 4 authors instead of 5.

How would you compare it to Christian Bland & The Revelators or UFO Club.
The difference is that with the UFO Club you add Danny Lee of the Night Beats into the equation whereas with the Revelators, it’s my opportunity to handle every part of the creative process with the addition of Bob Mustachio on drums. We started recording the new Revelators album in July 2012. Hopefully it’ll be out in the spring of 2014.
Austin Psych Fest will happen pretty soon. Can we expect you to perform the upcoming album?
I’m not sure if we’ll play every song, but we’ll definitely play a majority of the new album.

Thanks for taking your time. Wish you good luck with the upcoming tour and album. Would you like to send a message to It’s Psychedelic Baby readers?
Check out the latest Christian Bland & The Revelators video for ‘The Beatles’ and expand your consciousness secretly at home.
Klemen Breznikar
The Black Angels Official Website / Facebook / Instagram / Twitter / YouTube
It’s almost Halloween, so here’s an Interview treat with Christian Bland of The Black Angels