
The History of Colour TV – Emerald Cures Chic Ills (2013) review

May 7, 2013



The History of Colour TV – Emerald Cures Chic Ills (2013) review

The History of Colour TV “Emerald Cures Chic Ills” (Saint
Marie 2013)
The graphic cover art and punny title of these Berlin-based
shoegazers’ debut album gives a good indication of the uneasy music that lies
within. On the surface, the swirling guitars, heavily distorted chorale vocals,
and no nonsense song titles like “Let’s Get Sick”, “1-800-Badnite”, and “I Knew
It Was Wrong But Did It Anyway” suggest a somewhat disenchanted sociopath at
work here. But The History of Colour TV have a knack for slipping catchy melodies in amidst the maelstrom that makes one sit up and take notice. This is
not your father’s Shoegaze, but an exciting nu-gaze/blackgaze hybrid that
brings soaring electronics and traces of black metal to the party.
“Suddenlines” and the yearning ballad “SXRX” are actually
quite pretty (although the latter’s jagged shards of white-noise guitar shrieks
are quite unsettling), the aforementioned phone number song has an alluring
Clan of Xymox charm about it, and the epic “Mend” will blow your socks off and
shatter windows for miles around. Closer “Going To Stay” (how’s that for a
punny oxymoron!) wraps things up with a gently cascading swirl to help
re-establish some decorum. Nevertheless, the disk (vinyl is also available –
yay!) should come with a warning for headphone freaks: “May cause permanent
hearing damage.” THIS IS LOUD! Imagine your favourite 4AD bands turning up
their amps to 12 and having at it and you’re almost there. A welcome addition
to the genre. They are touring Germany throughout the next month so be sure to
catch them if you’re in the area.
Review made by Jeff Penczak/2013
© Copyright http://psychedelicbaby.blogspot.com/2013
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