Teeth Of The Sea – Master (2013) review
Teeth Of The Sea “Master” (Rocket
Recordings, 2013)
Recordings, 2013)
Beat-driven, electronic techno mayhem
abounds on Teeth of The Sea’s third album, from the motoric drumming and
gristly, throbbing basslines of “Reaper” to the tribal Burundi beats of “All
Human Is Error” and the Giorgio Moroder-inspired “Black Strategy”.
abounds on Teeth of The Sea’s third album, from the motoric drumming and
gristly, throbbing basslines of “Reaper” to the tribal Burundi beats of “All
Human Is Error” and the Giorgio Moroder-inspired “Black Strategy”.
TOTS are careful not to get swallowed up in
meandering, boring electronic excursions, and continue to play to their
strengths by grafting accessible melodies onto their krautrocky rhythms. In
this regard, they will appeal to fans of New Order, Depeche Mode, Neu, and
Throbbing Gristle.
meandering, boring electronic excursions, and continue to play to their
strengths by grafting accessible melodies onto their krautrocky rhythms. In
this regard, they will appeal to fans of New Order, Depeche Mode, Neu, and
Throbbing Gristle.
The band get sidetracked a few times with
superfluous spoken-word experiments, but, overall, the variety across these
tracks will have you hypnotically entranced one minute and hopping on your pogo
stick the next. Toss in a few economically placed guitar solos and mix
liberally with creepy-crawly horror film soundtracks (“Pleiades Underground”),
ambient spacey atmospherics (“Siren Spectre”), gloom ‘n’ doom death metal
(“Inexorable Master”), and a little bit of all of the above (the epic
“Responder”) and you’ve got an album that’ll please just about everyone, no
matter what your sonic pleasure.
superfluous spoken-word experiments, but, overall, the variety across these
tracks will have you hypnotically entranced one minute and hopping on your pogo
stick the next. Toss in a few economically placed guitar solos and mix
liberally with creepy-crawly horror film soundtracks (“Pleiades Underground”),
ambient spacey atmospherics (“Siren Spectre”), gloom ‘n’ doom death metal
(“Inexorable Master”), and a little bit of all of the above (the epic
“Responder”) and you’ve got an album that’ll please just about everyone, no
matter what your sonic pleasure.
Review made by Jeff Penczak/2013
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