Horisont -Time Warriors (2013) review
Horisont “Time Warriors” (Rise Above Records, 2013)
best song on this, the third album by the Swedish heavy rockers, is called
“Ain’t No Turning Back.” That’s an ironic name for a song from them,
considering that turning back is exactly what they’ve been doing since their
2009 debut album Tva Sidor Av Horisonten. Like many of their head-banging
brethren from their home country, particular those who record for the Crusher
label (Horisont’s first record was put out by them), they play in a style that
clearly harkens back to early-to-mid ‘70s hard rock. When I listen to them I
hear in my head things like Foghat’s “Slow Ride,” Edgar Winter Group’s
“Frankenstein,” Focus’s “Hocus Pocus,” etc. It makes me feel like I should be a
troublemaking teenager, out in the woods with a pack of my hoodlum friends, all
of us swilling cheap red wine we stole from a 7-11 store, as we plot out some
mischief. How does this record differ from that debut, or 2012’s Second
Assault? On the cover photo the guys all sport a look that screams “metal” and
I suppose it could be said that Time Warriors is the most blatantly metal
effort of theirs. But honestly I don’t hear any great departures from their
earlier albums. Missing is the boogie groove that made “Just Ain’t Right” from
their first album such a good-timey anthem, and on this record I’m hearing more
of a proggy thing happening, suggesting that Rush albums may have been on heavy
rotation at Horisont HQ of late. But overall it’s the same thing they’ve been
doing from the outset, which is making heavy rock that is expansive and diverse
enough that it could please fans of Motorhead and Black Sabbath, at the same
time that it wows people who dig Dungen or Queens of the Stone Age. “Diamonds
in Orbit” has a guitar line that wouldn’t have been out of place on an early
KISS album. “Ain’t No Turning Back” is driven by a riff that would have made a
young Joe Perry envious. The whole album has a propulsive, motorik feel to it,
makes you long to be on wild night drive, plowing over the highways in your
souped-up ‘70s vintage Camaro, blasting the tunes through open windows despite
the heavy rains that are coming down and soaking you.
best song on this, the third album by the Swedish heavy rockers, is called
“Ain’t No Turning Back.” That’s an ironic name for a song from them,
considering that turning back is exactly what they’ve been doing since their
2009 debut album Tva Sidor Av Horisonten. Like many of their head-banging
brethren from their home country, particular those who record for the Crusher
label (Horisont’s first record was put out by them), they play in a style that
clearly harkens back to early-to-mid ‘70s hard rock. When I listen to them I
hear in my head things like Foghat’s “Slow Ride,” Edgar Winter Group’s
“Frankenstein,” Focus’s “Hocus Pocus,” etc. It makes me feel like I should be a
troublemaking teenager, out in the woods with a pack of my hoodlum friends, all
of us swilling cheap red wine we stole from a 7-11 store, as we plot out some
mischief. How does this record differ from that debut, or 2012’s Second
Assault? On the cover photo the guys all sport a look that screams “metal” and
I suppose it could be said that Time Warriors is the most blatantly metal
effort of theirs. But honestly I don’t hear any great departures from their
earlier albums. Missing is the boogie groove that made “Just Ain’t Right” from
their first album such a good-timey anthem, and on this record I’m hearing more
of a proggy thing happening, suggesting that Rush albums may have been on heavy
rotation at Horisont HQ of late. But overall it’s the same thing they’ve been
doing from the outset, which is making heavy rock that is expansive and diverse
enough that it could please fans of Motorhead and Black Sabbath, at the same
time that it wows people who dig Dungen or Queens of the Stone Age. “Diamonds
in Orbit” has a guitar line that wouldn’t have been out of place on an early
KISS album. “Ain’t No Turning Back” is driven by a riff that would have made a
young Joe Perry envious. The whole album has a propulsive, motorik feel to it,
makes you long to be on wild night drive, plowing over the highways in your
souped-up ‘70s vintage Camaro, blasting the tunes through open windows despite
the heavy rains that are coming down and soaking you.
Review made by Brian Greene/2013
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