
Secret Colours – Peach (2013) review

December 26, 2013



Secret Colours – Peach (2013) review

Secret Colours “Peach” (2013)

Secret Colours stumbled out of the studio hazed and dazed
… well, at least that’s how I like to imagine it.  But truth be told, the band lovingly painted
themselves into a corner, where the only way to go was up and out, shimmering
the Chicago skyline, and infusing a softly dramatic 60’s psychedelic
polychromic vision that ebbs out across the night, causing everything to take
on a delightful softness around the edges, where lava-lamp liquid colours melt
down the sides of buildings, morphing everything into an oozing bliss of
The album is laced with bright 60’s British pop
sensibilities, filled with smokey reverb, dancing drenched vocals that will
harken both early Floyd [ah-la Meddle] and circa 1966 Marc Bolan … and it’s
all held together by a kaleidoscope of psych guitar splendor, along with some
oddly familiar backwards sounds that will instantly draw to mind lost visions
from The Beatles “Magical Mystery Tour,” creating a caravel atmosphere of easy
to grab hooks, and subtle grooves from which you’ll never want to come home.
Review made by Jenell Kesler/2013
© Copyright http://psychedelicbaby.blogspot.com/2013
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