
The Cult Of Dom Keller – ‘The Cult Of Dom Keller’ (2013)

January 11, 2014



The Cult Of Dom Keller – ‘The Cult Of Dom Keller’ (2013)

Ever since Spacemen 3 became a band in the ’80s there has been many bands compared to them.

Cult Of Dom Keller is no different, but they take it down a much darker road. Though this is their first full length it is in fact a compilation of sold out CDRs giving us a chance to grip the ever essential tracks that otherwise would be very hard to track down other than the digital format. Heavy riffs backed by pounding drums and a well placed organ easily makes this the new “Taking Drugs to Make Music to Take Drugs To.”

Psychedelic rock might have just found their new poster boys! This is music you need to dig deep into, then bury yourself and never come out! You wont regret jamming to this!

– Matt Yablonski

The Cult Of Dom Keller – The Cult Of Dom Keller (Mannequin | Cardinal Fuzz 2013)

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