Brown Spiders interview with “Weird Al” Jaco Wolmarans, Andrew Kapp and Andreas Schonfeldt
A while back I talked to one of South Africa’s leading garage rock outfits, The Make-Overs (Interview here) and they peeled back my skull cap, yanked out my brain and went completely loco on what was left of my decimated corpse. Needless to say, while it’s not the easiest thing to keep tabs on or research, I was hooked like a dope fiend on some South African garage rock!
Luckily for me, Andreas from The Make-Overs is not only involved in that band and several others, but he’s also involved in running the KRNGY Logo who help release and offer what exposure they can to undiscovered or overlooked sick South African bands. When Andreas sent me a copy of the Brown Spider’s sophomore album close bracket/star/bracket along with a few of the other KRNGY projects I was once again floored. Brown Spiders are an absolutely devastatingly effective lo-fi, on the verge of no-fi, blistering garage rock band with a nasty psych-pop edge to them. Songs like “Mouth” show off how The Brown Spiders can take what they want from Shoegaze and meld it like some sort of deranged genetic mutant with high octane garage psych almost effortlessly into unstoppable forces of nature encapsulated in three minute bursts. Explosions of spasmodic action shudder and jolt through the lurching corpse of sound that jumps around like a frog in a dynamite pond. Gnarled, fuzzy bass crashes like waves against a thunder cliff over the top of distorted and crackling guitar lines that erupt like Vesuvius amidst the trashcan thrashing caveman drummer brutally abusing his kit in the background of all the chaos and insanity. When you listen to a lot of albums it’s hard to pinpoint what a band’s going to sound like when you hear them live, my guess is that close bracket/star/bracket is a near perfect representation of the razor’s edge that The Brown Spiders walk, teetering between madness and utter musical annihilation, on the verge of a high speed come apart, all the while channeling the bottled rage and aggression into perfectly honed packages of unbelievably well-constructed, catchy and intelligent songs. All bathed in the brash punk DIY mentality of my beloved 80’s underground movement The Brown Spiders are destroying the competition in their sleep and paving a road to the center of my heart with little more than a single album under their belts! But that’s enough talk, enough hype and bullshit, all I can say is that you should check out this ridiculous trio if you dig garage or lo-fi in the least; they will not disappoint. Now let’s just hope that not only do they put out a ton of albums, but that we can start getting copies of their stuff here in the US soon as well…

What is Brown Spiders’ lineup? Is this your original lineup or have there been any changes?
Andreas: Weird Al Jacovich, Andrew Kapp Webber and Andreas Bocelli.
Jaco: Brown Spiders is a three piece, consisting of Andreas on drums, Andrew on bass and backup vocals and me (Jaco) on vocals and guitar. Brown Spiders was originally conceived of as a terrifying two piece, consisting of Andreas on drums and me on guitar and vocals in 2011 after the breakup of Sticky Antlers. Andrew joined the band on bass in 2012, to make people feel less sorry for us.
Andrew: I was visiting Andreas and he played me a recording he and Jaco had made called Brown Spiders. Prior to that night my current band had broken up, so I asked them if I could come and mess around with them, adding bass to the mix. I borrowed the CD and went to play with them a few days later.
Are any of you in any other active bands at this point or have you released any music with anyone in the past? If so can you tell us about that? I love playing musical connect the dots but there’s nothing better than being able to cheat!
Andrew: Bad Adam is my only other “mistress”, aside from some non-live or incomplete projects. Cheating is fun, ha-ha!
Jaco: Yes, Andreas and I were in Sticky Antlers which released stuff on the KRNGY logo. We also have a side project called Splinter Sect, which is an improv project. Oooooh, almost forgot Vulva Underground; cut and paste, antagonistic sewer rap, fronted by three foul mouthed sock puppets having the time of their lives.
Andreas: Make-Overs (Interview here), Splinter Sect, Poodle Piss and I played drums for Spambot.
Where are you original from?
Andrew: Pretoria.
Jaco: Pretoria.
Andreas: Kilnerpark, Pretoria.
Was the local music scene there were you grew up very influential on your musical tastes or the way you play? Did it play a very large role in your childhood?
Jaco: No.
Andreas: We don’t get out much.
Andrew: I think my friends and family were more influential than any supposed “scene”, and that did shape me and really make me want to make music; interesting music at that.
Was your house very musical growing up? Were either your parents or any of your relatives musicians or extremely involved/interested in music?
Andrew: My uncle and my mother used to play for fun, but my uncle was really into rock music. He played quite a few instruments, mainly guitar. He gave me my first bass guitar, which I used to play in secret when he went out. I still use that bass. My cousin was the one who introduced me to a bulk of the music that got me interested in playing though. He was in my first few bands too.
Jaco: Yeah, my mom was a piano teacher and music was always a big part of my life. There was very little dead air surrounding me when I was growing up.
Andreas: You already know everything about me…
What was your first real exposure to music?
Andrew: When I was around six years old, I was watching A Nightmare On Elm Street. Totally terrified, I ran out the room and my uncle was listening to Hendrix in the living room and I remember the soothing feeling I experienced; no pun intended, ha-ha.
Jaco: Probably my mom playing her LPs night and day. There was everything from The Beach Boys and The Stones, to classical music. Then Madonna sunk her claws into me.

If you had to pick on defining moment of music in your life, a moment that redefined all of the rules and opened the door to the infinite possibilities of music, what would it be?
Andrew: I really dislike name dropping, but when my cousin showed me a tape of live performance by The Breeders and Nirvana; good laaaawd! The rawness of their live performances was breathtaking.
Jaco: Hearing Sonic Youth for the first time. The room started spinning. All the bands that they introduced me too when I was a teenager were amazing. It opened up areas I never knew existed.
Andreas: Every day I find music that redefines all the rules, but a big one was “Mother Sky”. Jaco played me the uncut version and it was the first time I had ever heard Can… That and getting into the Velvet Underground, that pretty much changed everything.

When did you decide that you wanted to start writing and performing your own music? What brought about that decision?
Andrew: I was playing a gig in my cousin’s band at this scout hall we had rented, I was twelve at the time and just the feeling of jamming with a group of people, and people enjoying it and having fun. I was like, “Who wouldn’t like to do this?” Ha-ha.
Jaco: I’ve wanted to play music since I was in school, but because I had no friends and didn’t know any interesting people I had to wait until I met Andreas to pursue the dream.
Andreas: I used to record songs onto tapes way back, it was a compulsion. It just stuck with me. Then I ended up filling in on guitar for some band playing a Halloween show at the old Nile Crocodile, I was still in school and not even legally allowed in the club, but they let me sing and we ended up doing a couple of songs I wrote. Some people got really angry since they liked the band and wanted them to play their songs… But it all seemed to just make sense and I was back on the Nile’s stage the next week and kept going to open mic nights until they closed down.

Where is the band currently located at?
Andrew: We all live in a yellow submarine.
Jaco: Fuck.
Andreas: We’re normal people… We live in garages behind people’s houses.
How would you describe the local music scene where you are at now?
Andreas: I can’t.
Andrew: Non-existent. Ha-ha.
Jaco: I won’t. Frankly, I’m embarrassed by a large amount of what we’re surrounded by.
Are you very involved in the local music scene? Do you book or attend a lot of shows or help to record/release any local music?
Andrew: Besides playing and organizing gigs, not really. Because of my demanding job, or should I say ex-job, the only time I had off work I was playing. There’s only a small handful of “worth it” bands to check out anyway.
Andreas: I play the game, big time.
Jaco: I attend as many shows of the bands I support as I can, but there are only a few bands I’m interested in.
Do you feel like the local music scene has played a large or pivotal role in Brown Spiders or do you think you could be doing what you’re doing and sound like you do regardless of your surroundings or location?
Andrew: It’s played a role in the sense that it showed us what not to do, ha-ha!
Jaco: No. ‘Cause ninety-percent of what we have to deal with is utter bullshit.
Andreas: Except that we wanted to sound exactly like Mango Groove.
When and how did you all originally meet?
Andrew: I met Andreas through a friend of my cousin, but never really knew him. Somehow we ended up doing a gig together in different bands at the same scout hall I played at when I was twelve. Years later, as I was waiting for a bus to go to my girlfriend’s at the time Andreas and Martinique pulled up and gave me ride. If memory serves me correctly, he was looking for a bass player at the time. In general my memory is hazy. One thing I remember though is getting shitfaced with him a few days later, drinking shots of different left over liquors, while playing Tekken drinking games. I met Jaco at Andreas place. I always just heard from a friend that this Jaco guy had cool records and movies, ha-ha. His collection did not disappoint.
Jaco: I met Andreas through an illicit drug addict, when he brought him to my place to show him my Sonic Youth record collection. The first record I ever loaned him was a Bikini Kill record and he brought it back, freaking out about it. I knew this was someone I could get along with. Uhmmmmmmmmm… I met Andrew at Andreas’s place, I think.
Andreas: Andrew, at his cousin Neal’s garage where they were recording their band on a cassette player… Jaco, I met through this guy who used to steal my tapes.
What led to the formation of Brown Spiders and when was that exactly?
Andreas: It’s something to do.
Jaco: As I previously stated, Brown Spiders was conceived after the brake up of Sticky Antlers in 2011, because I wanted a band! I needed a band!!! And Andreas and I just liked playing together and making music.
Is there a shared creed, mantra or ideal that Brown Spiders live by?
Andrew: Meh, guess we all just like weird shit. And the D.I.Y mentality. We’re just three guys stuck in hell that love improvising.
Jaco: Keeping the band as independent and self-sufficient as possible.
Andreas: Yes, we live by a strict code: never, under any circumstance, do anything… To anyone.
What does the name Brown Spiders mean or refer to in the context of your band name? Who came up with it and how did you go about choosing it?
Jaco: The original band name was Pity Fucks, due to the fact we thought we were going to be big as fuck ha-ha. I love everything to do with asses so it was the obvious choice.
Andrew: I always thought it was just a polite way to say, “the assholes”.
Andreas: Yeah it’s a stupid bunghole reference that no one seems to ever get… We couldn’t get any gigs as the Pity Fucks so we had to change the name. But really it’s just because our music is shit.
There are a lot of things that I love to do when it comes to music. I love to talk about music, I love sharing good music with people and most of all I love talking to talented musicians such as yourselves. One thing that I do not love though is having to describe how a band sounds to people who have never heard them before. I’m just awful at putting labels and descriptions on stuff as I’m just not convinced that music, as art, fits inside these tidy boxes and labels that we like to assign it. So rather than me making some bizarre and utterly useless attempt at describing your sound to our readers, how would you describe Brown Spiders’ sound in your own words to our readers who might not have heard you before?
Jaco: A sewage drain of inevitable disaster. We never actually got together and decided what box we wanted to fit in. We’ve never had a pre-conceived idea of what the music should sound like.
Andrew: Bizarre and utterly useless gutter rock!!! Or as Todd from HoZac describe us, “the sickos from South Africa”, ha-ha! But it sure as hell is rocky, punky, noisy and yet strangely melodic.
Andreas: A spa of embarrassing illnesses for your ears.
While we’re speaking so much about the history of the band and how everything got started can we take just a little while to talk about who some of your major musical influences are? You all have an extremely varied sound that while remaining noticeably from the same band can shift pretty drastically in mood and sound from song to song. I’m curious to hear who you would cite as your major influences on the band a whole rather than individually?
Jaco: Anything unusual, strange, odd, interesting, demented or indescribable is what we usually gravitate to.
Andrew: I guess we just like the “alternative” to what’s being shoved down our throats. Obviously Nirvana was a mutual ground, because that opened us up to bands like The Melvins, Sonic Youth, Black Flag, Leadbelly, yada, yada, yada. We have a large variety of musical tastes, and perhaps that makes our sound so unique.
What is Brown Spiders’ songwriting process like? Does one of you approach the rest of the bad with a mostly finished riff or idea to work out with the rest of the band or is it more of a collective process with a lot of jamming and exchange of ideas when you all get together to practice/play?
Andrew: Elements of both really. One of us might show up to practice with an idea/riff, then we fiddle with it until we like it. On the other hand, we do a lot of improvisation and that also leads to quite a few of our songs.
Jaco: “Come What May” was a live improv we recorded during the making of Closed Bracket Star Bracket and it became the opening track, so improvisation plays a major role.
What about recording? How do you all handle the recording process? Do you utilize a studio environment to record or is it more of a do-it-yourself, on your own time and turf, prospect?
Jaco: We like recording on old analogue equipment. Both our albums were recorded that way, that’s the only way we know how; in my windy house. I think we’d be uncomfortable in a studio. We prefer our own time, space and doing it our way.
Andrew: Live analogue recording just makes for a more natural and raw sound and I think we’re raw as fuck.
Do you all enjoy recording? As a musician myself I think that most of us can really appreciate the end results. There’s not a whole lot in the world that beats holding an album in your hands, knowing that it’s your and you made it. Getting into the studio, or even recording stuff on your own, especially when it comes to dealing with an entire band, can be a little stressful to say the least. How is it in the studio for you all?
Andrew: We have a fucked up “tradition” of recording during some kind of heat wave, which is challenging. Not sure if it brings out the best in us or the worse, but it’s always fun. Ha-ha!
Jaco: Recording makes me physically ill, in a good way. I need to throw at least one temper tantrum during each recording session. I like the way it validates me, because it’s my windy house and I can do as I please, damn it.
Does Brown Spiders do a lot of prep work before you record getting things all worked out and arrangements just the way you want them? Or is it more of an organic process when it comes to recording where you have room for a little bit of change and variation?
Andrew: We just play the songs until they feel right and we’re comfortable with them. But due to the nature of live recording, we’ve grown to expect some unexpected structure and or lyrical changes, ha-ha!
Jaco: The songs for our new album were all pretty much worked out and pretty well-rehearsed. We’d even already started performing them live in our sets. Prior to the recording of our second album, Andreas went on tour with The Make-Overs (Interview here) and seeing as we couldn’t rehearse, we taped our rehearsals before he left and rehearsed “mentally” while he was gone.
Let’s take a little bit of time and talk about your back-catalog some. You released your debut album close bracket/star/bracket in 2013 on the KRNGY imprint. Was the recording of that first album a fun, pleasurable experience for you all? Can you share some of your memories of making close bracket/star/bracket with us? Where and when was it recorded? Who recorded it? What kind of equipment was used?
Andrew: Aside from the hellish heat wave we experienced, it was great fun. It was recorded in two days at Jaco’s windy house sometime in January 2013.
Jaco: We released a limited addition of 20 copies of the first self-titled Brown Spider release, which was just me and Andreas. But the first album with Andrew was Closed Bracket/Star/Bracket. We have come to accept extreme suffering during our recordings. It’s just the way we operate. S&M and all that shit.
Andreas: I’ve mentally checked out since sometime in January.

When we were chatting you mentioned that you all had an album planned for 2014. Have you all started recording that material yet or is it still a work in progress? If you’ve started recording can you tell us some details about that? Do you know what the name of the album is going to be or a tentative release date at this point?
Jaco: We have a tentative title for the album, either Stampede or Dickwad. I think we’ve gotten better as a band since the last recordings. We just had a batch of new songs that we couldn’t wait to put it on tape and before we realized it, we had a whole album of new songs.
Andreas: It should be Brown Spiders-Number Two.
Andrew: Yeah, we recently finished the recording of the new album. Think it sounds fabulous, very natural. We just have to finish mixing and mastering. It was recorded in a similar fashion to the previous one, yet it’s heavier and more melodic. My idea for the title is Relaxative.

You also have an upcoming single for the inimitable Hozac Records sometime early in 2014. Can you tell us anything about that release yet? Do you know what tracks are going to be featured? If you know what tracks you’re going to use are they already recorded or are you in the process of doing that now? If they’ve already been recorded can you talk about the recording of that material? I’m pretty sure the Hozac singles are strictly limited edition affairs. Is your single doing to be limited or do you know at this point? If so do you know how many copies it’s going to be limited to or when it’s scheduled for release?
Andrew: The songs on the single are “It’s Something To Do” and “That Was Then This Is Now”, a total flip-side description of who we are.
Jaco: Both of the tracks on the HoZac single were taken from our album Close/Bracket/Star/Bracket. Not sure about the release date yet, sometime 2014? We’re super excited about releasing something on HoZac records!

Other than the upcoming Hozac single and new album are there any other releases in the works or on the horizon at this point?
Andrew: Not as of yet, but we’re still looking to release a new album in 2014.
Jaco: We’re always in the process of writing new songs. So we’ve always got something we want to record before we forget it.
I know that you all are on the KRNGY imprint alongside The Make Overs who are simply incredible but I haven’t been able to find very much info on KRNGY or their releases outside of the people I’ve discovered that just happen to be on the label. How did you get hooked up with KRNGY and do you know where the best place to keep up with the latest news and releases from them is at?
Andrew: Geographical coincidence, ha-ha. Currently the interwebs are the best place.
Jaco: KRNGY is a home-run label from our neck of the woods, operated by two of our friends with the right attitude. I might have been involved in the madness as all my previous bands have been involved with the KRNGY label.

Andreas: The KRNGY Logo isn’t obscure on purpose. It’s a label from way back that’s run by Martinique and I. We have about a hundred releases on the label, but they’re mostly CD-Rs and stuff. Some of them were limited to limited editions of ten or twenty copies, like the Hearingaids CD and some of the live IYAWYETICBYBT bootlegs on cassette. It’s just the two of us making all the merch at the moment, but we’re trying to get the label figured out so we can do some great releases from a bunch of new and old bands alike. I’m currently excited about the Straight Suits. I’m hoping to do a release ASAP with them. I do encourage bands to send their music to other labels since I feel like I can’t do that much to help them out in general. We just want to document some of the radical music that’s around and mostly not getting picked up on.
Where’s the best place for our US readers to pick up copies of your music? With the insane international postage rate increases this last year I try to provide readers with as many options for purchasing physical music as I possibly can!
Andrew: I think KRNGY is trying to set up an online store, but I can only imagine what a schlep that is and I know how busy they are. (*Author’s note: Check out this link for details on the only way that I know of to get physical releases from KRNGY Logo)
Jaco: The only place to get your filthy claws on KRNGY merch is at the glory hole at any KRNGY related gig.
Andreas: The Hozac single will be the first thing available to the general public. We do have two albums, but the first album is sold out and the second one isn’t out yet. You can listen to our stuff on Bandcamp or just check our Facebook for now though.
What about our international readers?
Andrew: We have international readers!?
Jaco: It’s hard to get hold of the Brown Spiders stuff. It’s only available at shows at this point. If you don’t know us or come to a show, you can’t really get anything.

And where’s the best place for fans to keep up with the latest like upcoming shows and album releases from Brows Spiders?
Andrew: Currently, the interwebs, like Facebook and Bandcamp.
Jaco: We’ve got a music video for “It’s Something To Do” and a few video camera recordings on YouTube. I’m sure we’ll post something sometime in the distant future. I hate social networks.
Are there any major goals that Brown Spiders’ are looking to accomplish in 2014?
Jaco: World domination. We want to start touring, make some enemies on the road and offend some innocent people.
Andrew: Well, we want to finish the new album and send it to some labels, obviously gig as much as possible, get ready for Blackout Fest 2015 and if our schedules allow it, maybe even a bit of touring.
What, if anything, do you have planned as far as touring goes for 2014 so far?
Jaco: Currently we’re busy sorting out the new album and after that we can concentrate on organizing some touring.
Andrew: Unfortunately we won’t be able to play Blackout Fest this year, which is very sad. Due to our busy schedules, touring’s difficult, but we’d love to organize something in Potchestroom, Cape Town and most of South Africa later the year.
Do you all enjoy touring? Do you spend a lot of time on the road? How is it on the road for Brown Spiders?
Jaco: We’d love to tour. We’re willing to be booked.
Andrew: Due to our busy schedules, with working and The Make-Overs (Interview here), we haven’t been able to tour, but we’d love to find out how we are on the road a bit in 2014 if we can.
Do you remember what the first song that Brown Spiders ever played live was? If so, where and when was that?
Jaco: The first song we played live was “Killer Beard Of Killer Bees”, a new wave influenced mind fuck, at Schivas Rock in Pretoria somewhere in 2011. That track was on the very first Brown Spiders record when we were still a two-piece band.
Who are some of your personal favorite acts that you’ve had a chance to share a bill with?
Andrew: Uhmmmmmmmmm… Black Lung, Sindrones, Eyes Like Mirrors, The Make-Overs (Interview here), Cortina Whiplash…
Jaco: Us Kids Know… Uhmmmmmmmmm… I would like to say Black Lung again, ha-ha!
In your dreams, who are you on tour with?
Andrew: Don’t get me started… The Melvins? Truckfighters? Bob Log III? Yeah, Bob Log III; imagine the party.
Jaco: Sonic Youth, Teenage Jesus & The Jerks, The Ramones, Shocked Minds and The Velvet Underground.
Andreas: Captain Beefheart or Cosmic Psychos.
Do you have any funny or interesting stories from live shows or performances that you’d like to share here with our readers?
Andrew: We were playing a gig at The Bohemian in Johannesburg and during our set these two very attractive lesbian ladies started making out at the front of the stage. I think they stole the show, ha-ha. Lesbians just love Brown Spiders, ha-ha!
Jaco: After a show at Kitcheners this lady assaulted my testicles with a mic stand. She wanted her boyfriend to join in the fun… Needless to say, I hid behind the drum kit.
Andreas: I stay out of trouble.
Do you have a preferred medium of release for your music? What about when you’re listening to and or purchasing music, if so, why? With all of the various mediums available to artists today I’m always curious why musicians choose the methods that they do and why.
Jaco: My preference is vinyl, but because vinyl is hard to find in South Africa, whatever I finds I keeps.
Andrew: I think we all prefer vinyl, but I personally don’t mind CDs. I just love filling up my collection. Although in South Africa it’s hard to get hold of all the music I like, and in that case I’ll take a download or a CD rip.
Andreas: It’s not the format, but what it contains that’s important to me. I’d take a Flipper CD before a Chris de Burgh LP and a James Brown 8-track before a Justin Bieber download.
I’m a second generation music collector. I grew up around a pretty sizable collection and there was always something just amazing about being able to go over to the shelf band pull something off of it completely at random, stick it into the player, kick back with the liner notes and let the music transport me to another world. There was something about having a physical object to hold in my hands, liner notes to read, artwork to look at, that provided a rare and brief glimpse inside of the mind of the artists that created it and made for a more complete listening experience, at least for me. Do you have any such connection with physically released music?
Andrew: Obviously I prefer something physical; it feels like some good music gets lost within a huge music library on a computer. Something physical is more sentimental and special.
Jaco: I take pride in that I don’t have any digital music. The whole new digital music revolution sucks ass.
Do you have a music collection at all? If so can you tell us a little bit about it?
Andrew: We all have quite a large collection of vinyl, CDs, tapes and digital music on our computers, ranging from rock, pop, noise, punk, etcetera.
Jaco: I have a large collection of vinyl, CDs, blah, blah, blah. Some favourites include Pussy Galore, Babes In Toyland, Lubricated Goat, a beautiful, gatefold double LP compilation from the late 80’s called The End Of Music As We Know It featuring Jad Fair, Honeymoon Killers, Royal Trucks, Thurston Moore and a lot of other cool stuff.
As much as I love my music collection, and lord knows I love the hell out of every piece of music in my collection, there’s always been problems with taking it on the go and that just irked the hell out of me. There’s not a whole lot out there that annoyed me more than paying for an album but not being able to take in on the go with me. And even when it came to CDs and tapes I was never able to take enough with me on the go to satisfy my enormous hungers when driving and road-tripping. Digital music has taken care of that problem all but overnight. It still blows my mind I can carry most of my music collection around with me on the go on my phone at this point! When you team digital music with the internet though, that’s when you get the real game changer. The internet has exposed people to a whole universe of music that they otherwise would never have been privy to, but there’s always bad with the good and vice versa. Illegal downloading is running rampant and it’s harder and harder to get noticed in the chocked digital arena. As a musician during the reign of the digital era, what’s your opinion on digital music and distribution?
Andrew: I think it’s helped us get our music out to other countries and reach people we wouldn’t normally have, which would be impossible if digital music hadn’t existed. And as you said, you can take more music on the road.
Jaco: I get that it makes music more “available”, but I still prefer the old way, going out and rummaging through dirt and filtering out the diamonds. Digital music makes it easier, but it also makes it less special.
I try to keep up with as much good music as I possibly can. I spend more time than I would like to admit surging around online looking for something new and cool, I stop out at the local shop at least once a week and I’m always asking the store clerks for recommendations and suggestions. A lot of the best tips that I get come from musicians such as yourselves though! Is there anyone from your local scene or area that I might not have heard of I should be listening to?
Andrew: I would recommend Black Lung, Sindrones, Jaco & Z-dog, uhmmmmm, etcetera ha-ha. I think KRNGY will be releasing a mixed tape containing these artists.
Jaco: Us Kids Know and The Straight Suits.
Andreas: The Straight Suits.
What about nationally and internationally?
Jaco: All the “No Wave” bands from the 70’s, lots of the underground 80’s bands and a bunch of the “lo-fi” 90’s slacker vomit rock.
Andrew: I don’t like name dropping.
Andreas: Protomartyr, Androids of Mu, Nones, The Man, Feelings, The Rubs, Thing, Royal Baths…
Jaco: Chicks With Dicks.
Andrew: You sadistic bastard.

Thank you so much for taking the time to make it through this thing. I know that this wasn’t short and it couldn’t have been a whole hell of a lot of fun to fill out but hopefully it didn’t suck too bad ha-ha! While I’ve got you, is there anything that I might have missed or that you’d just like to take this opportunity to talk to me or our readers about?
Andrew: You sadistic bastard.
– Roman Rathert
(2012) Brown Spiders – Brown Spiders – CD – Self-Released (Limited to ? copies)
(2013) Brown Spiders – close bracket/star/bracket – digital, CD-R – KRNGY Records
(2014) Brown Spiders – UNKNOWN SINGLE – 7” – Hozac Records
(2014) Brown Spiders – UNTITLED ALBUM – ? – ?