‘Dreams Are Free’ by Red Lama | Album Premiere

Uncategorized April 14, 2016

‘Dreams Are Free’ by Red Lama | Album Premiere

Exclusive track premiere of ‘Dreams Are Free’ by Red Lama.

Refreshing album from Denmark. Atmospheric-space-psychedelia which takes you on a journey with a singer that at times reminds me of David Gilmour of Pink Floyd. After four years of writing Red Lama’s debut album is now out exclusive on It’s Psychedelic Baby! Magazine.


Until now, Red Lama is best known for live appearances in venues in Copenhagen, Danish festivals, including a couple of appearances at Copenhagen Psych Fest. Indeed, the foundation for ‘Dreams Are Free’ is the vivid sensation of being a band that plays together and makes music together. The album is made collectively through numerous jams in the band’s rehearsal room, and during summer trips to more scenic parts of Denmark. “To release a record with seven songs, that we are proud of, is surely a milestone for each one of us. We are very honoured to finally have all things in place and can’t wait to show the finished work. The process has been fantastic and for us the end of a long and beautiful chapter in the Red Lama’s life. We love making music, so the album has only created even more appetite for new unexplored dream worlds”. Johannes Linnet, lead singer of Red Lama.


‘Dreams are Free’ will be released digitally April 15th through the Danish/Norwegian record label, All Good Clean Records. The vinyl release follows a couple of weeks later.

Red Lama Facebook / Instagram / Bandcamp / YouTube
All Good Clean Records Official Website / Facebook / Instagram / Twitter

Red Lama – ‘The World is Yours’ by Red Lama | Debut Album Soon

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