
Hi-Fi Series Presents: EAR Yoshino Interview With Tim de Paravicini

July 19, 2016



Hi-Fi Series Presents: EAR Yoshino Interview With Tim de Paravicini

Esoteric Audio Research was established in England in 1976 with the EAR 509, a 100 watt valve monoblock power amplifier. Mr Tim de Paravicini is mastermind behind Esoteric Audio Research. He’s well known for his amazing and extraordinary valve amplifiers. He’s also involved with the professional recording world. Tim de Paravicini is an excellent example of both; an audio engineer and a mastering guru for Mobile Fidelity.

How old were you when you first got involved with music and what was the first genre or should I say artist that inspired you?

I started to enjoy music at about 4 years old, but did not fully understand what or how until 12 years old. Buddy Holly was my first love.

Was music important in your family?

Only to my mother. That is where I got my interest from.

What was your first involvement in audio world?

Commercially I have been in the audio business since I was about 21. I worked at making my own guitar amplifiers and Hi Fi amplifiers.

In the 1970s you were working in Luxman and developed C1000 pre-amplifier and M6000 power amp among other products. What was the philosophy behind making this combo? Also, how did you get involved with Luxman?

I was invited by the President and sales person when I met them in 1972 in South Africa. I went to Japan at the very end of 1972. I was a design engineer. My challenge was to make the very best products especially for the American market.

“I still believe in making accurate amplifiers not some fancy jewelry looking stuff.”

You returned to England from Japan and started your own company. Esoteric Audio Research is still one of the leading high end companies. What was the original concept behind EAR? Is it possible to name a few things you did differently than other companies at the time?

EAR was a play on words for the ear as Esoteric Audio Research Ltd, a UK company. I wanted to make since I started valve revival in 1978 in England, a valve high powered amplifier the EAR509 at 100 watts each with very low distortion compared to all other valve amplifiers. I still believe in making accurate amplifiers not some fancy jewelry looking stuff.

Can you tell us the story about making disc-cutting system for Island Records?

I met the mastering engineer and offered to design the best sounding most accurate disc cutting system.

What’s your opinion about vinyl comeback?

I was for 30 years fighting to keep vinyl and said it still offered the best performance for home user. But now is just a fashion and everyone wants to make records but the quality is not always good.

“I will only say I care about sound”

Of course there are a few companies that really care what you’re listening to and you are involved with one of the very best – Mobile Fidelity. Tim built LP cutting system and reproducer amplifiers for Studer A80.

I will only say I care about sound and I designed all the analogue equipment for Mobile Fidelity.

Tim de Paravicini in studio

When it comes to owning music, I prefer a bad vinyl pressing to a decent quality audio file stored on hard drive.

Yes. Agreed.

Your company also launched a turntable, CD player and loudspeakers. What are some basic facts when it comes to turntable?

I will say nothing about my turntable since I really do not have time to make more for the market.

“Valves are much faster than solid state electronics”

In high-end audio you always have war between solid state and valves. What would you say is the main reason for your company to be mostly dedicated to valves?

Because Valves are much faster than solid state electronics especially for power amplifiers.

What about M100A solid state?

That is made to my valve transformer rules so behaves like a single end valve amplifier.


What would you say were some of the best high end products in history of audio?

Quad Quad Quad.

And which products are you most proud of in EAR?

EAR509 and EAR912.

EAR 912

What are you currently listening to?

My own stuff amps loudspeakers etc. Mostly pop and Jazz.

Ear 834P

What are you currently working on?

New products such as Phono boxes and power amps.

What will the future look like for audio world?

384K / 24 bit digital audio will get more perfect.

Tim de Paravicini

Thank you for your time.

Thank you. Enjoy!

Klemen Breznikar

EAR Yoshino official website

One Comment
  1. Jim Merson says:

    Excellent interview with Tim de Paravicini. I also loved Buddy Holly and his music, which led me to Quad, garrard 301 and ATC loudspeakers. Tim also upgraded my Revox G36’s 15ips.
    In the early seventies. I took them to London personally. The quality of Holly’s recordings still stand the test of time today.
    I owe a lot to Tim and Peter Walker. ‘ The perfect amplifier is a straight wire with Gain.’
    Thank you.!

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