
A Potpouri Of Melodies And Mayhem: Latin American And Canadian Rock, Pop, Beat, R&B, Folk, Garage, Psych And Prog 1963-1976 by Vernon Joynson

November 7, 2017



A Potpouri Of Melodies And Mayhem: Latin American And Canadian Rock, Pop, Beat, R&B, Folk, Garage, Psych And Prog 1963-1976 by Vernon Joynson


This will be our next title in the series that has already brought us Fuzz, Acid and Flowers (US psych, prog and hippie-rock 1963-1976) (2010), The Two-Volume Tapestry of Delights (UK rock, pop, beat, R&B, folk, psych and prog 1963-1976) (2014) and A Melange Of Musical Pipedreams And Pandemonium (Australian, New Zealand, African, Turkish And Middle Eastern Rock, Pop, Folk, Psych And Prog 1963-1976) (2017).

Following exactly the same format as for The Two-Volume Tapestry of Delights and A Melange Of Musical Pipedreams And Pandemonium, Vernon covers Latin American and Canadian rock, pop, beat, R&B, folk, garage, psych and prog between 1963 and 1976 in this latest volume.

There are hundreds of entries (large and small) in this volume. Each entry provides artists discographies (album, EP and 45). The discographies are extremely detailed and, for most entries, artists’ overseas releases are included, as well as comprehensive reissue information, details of retrospective compilations and appearances on various artists’ compilations, where applicable. Most entries contain bibliographical details and descriptions and critiques of the music in as much detail as possible. A rarity scale is also provided for albums and EP releases.

The book’s scope is even wider than the title suggests with some other genres, such as jazz and rock-soul, partly covered too. Where artists have been active since 1976, most entries include more information on their careers.

The album, EP, 45 and song titles by French Canadian and Latin American artists have been translated into English wherever possible to make them more accessible to English-speaking readers.

There are black and white illustrations throughout the book and also 12-pages of colour illustrations.

The book will be a numbered, limited edition publication – the precise quantity is still to be determined.

This is a longer book than A Melange Of Musical Pipedreams And Pandemonium, and contains 896 as opposed to 768 pages, which means we have reluctantly had to reflect this in the price.

RRP: £55.00
ISBN: 978-1-899855-22-3
Publication: expected early November 2017

An interview with Vernon Joynson, author of Fuzz Acid and Flowers, The Tapestry of Delights…

Tapestry of Delights Expanded Version review and interview with author, Vernon Joynson

A Quick Q & A with author Vernon Joynson

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