
Dead Rabbits – “TimeIsYourOnlyEnemy” (2014) review

November 26, 2017



Dead Rabbits – “TimeIsYourOnlyEnemy” (2014) review

Dead RabbitsTimeIsYourOnlyEnemy (Fuzz Club, 2014)
Creating a rather dark tumbling sonic image here on TimeIsYourOnlyEnemy, the band’s influences are evident from the very beginning, which isn’t to say that they are beholding to those sonic inspirations, because Dead Rabbits are truly in charge of their own destiny, dancing somewhere between the genre of shoegazer from the late 1990’s to the atmospherically driven attitudes of the neo-psychedelic movement that started sweeping the scene as the new century began to unfold.

What’s most interesting is their creeping vocal delivery, where words are stretched out, such as sweeeetheaaaart, while other words and phrases completely run together, all referencing the construction of the album’s tile, coming off in much the same manner as PIL, yet much lighter in nature, more ethereal and swirling, with those vocals filled with lyrics that stand in sharp juxtaposition to strong guitars and Velvet Underground style drumming, lacing everything together with the feeling of being soaked in a reverb drenched atmosphere, all surrounded by a warm hazy fuzzed out sway that should probably be referred to as ‘psych-gazer’.
There’s something organic about this release, with “I Wrote A Song” being the most splendid number on the album, sweeping across a very limited landscape, yet within that confined space, sounding very large and expansive. TimeIsYourOnlyEnemy is one of those outings where you might think you don’t like a number from the outset, though half way through, a smile of recognition will inch its way across your face as the songs settle into your very being … were I promise, the 44 minutes this album encompasses will go by very quickly.
*** The Fun Facts: The album’s title has been reworked from the famous Charlie Chaplin quote, “My only enemy is time”.
Limited editions of the vinyl come with a hand silkscreened jacket.
– Jenell Kesler
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