‘Clouds Repeat Themselves’ – Temple Solaire
‘Clouds Repeat Themselves’ is the new single by Zurich’s psychedelic outfit Temple Solaire.
The band plays with reversed read out excerpts of The Equinox by Aleister Crowley and adds various instruments which Temple Solaire is so well known for. Whether these are tablas, sitar, acoustic guitar, electric guitar, tambourines, maracas or drums, the understated lyrical vocals are accompanied to give the listener a feeling of being embedded in a meadow, watching the clouds flash by.

Giovanni Fortunato – Sitar, shruti and vocals
Raffael Burri – Maracas, tambourine
Epa Wolansky – Guitar
Vince Restuccio – Guitar
Severin Beerli – Bass
Lorenzo Contin – Drums and Tablas

Recorded at Doobie Records, mixed and mastered by Cyril Hegner.
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Temple Solaire Bandcamp
Temple Solaire Soundcloud
Taxi Gauche Records Official Website