FFN interview
FFN (Formația Fără Nume) (Band Without Name) was a Romanian band founded in 1971 at Club A (Architecture College Club), Bucharest. FFN released three albums with ‘Zece paşi’ being their debut from 1976. The band mixed hard rock with Beatles influences.
Interview with Cristian Madolciu (vocal, guitar, percussion)
Where and when did you grow up? Was music a big part of your family life?
Cristian Madolciu: Bucharest, Romania. Yes, music was a big part of my family life
When did you begin playing music? Who were your major influences?
When I was 7. The Beatles.
How difficult was it to get records from rock groups in Romania back in the 60s and 70s?
It was very difficult.
Were you in any bands before F.F.N.?
Yes, Sphere and Dynacord.
“We became like a super group.”
Can you elaborate the formation of F.F.N.?
Each one of us came from different well known bands. We became like a super group. We began finding names for our band, going through hundreds of names that we did not like. In the end one of us mentioned that we remained without name. So we said let’s call it B.W.N. (in Romanian F.F.N.) acronym for Band Without Name.

How did you get signed by Electrecord?
An editor in chief saw us in concert.
Your first recording is a single from 1974. What do you recall from working on those songs?
A lot of fun.

What’s the story behind your debut ‘Zece paşi’? Where did you record it? What kind of equipment did you use and who was the producer? How many hours did you spend in the studio?
It was our first LP. We were 5 and therefore 10 steps. We recorded it at Electrecord. We used Fender and Marshall amps, and Fender guitars. Producer was Freddy Negrescu. We spent about a week in the studio.

‘Zi cu zi’ followed.
We continued our next steps…

What were the influences and inspirations for the songs recorded?
We were influenced by The Beatles and Queen.
How about concerts? What bands did you share stages with?
We had concerts all across the country, being on stage with bands like Sfinx, Iris, Progresiv TM, etc.

How about the release of ‘Un Joc’?
We grew continuously from the second LP, more progressive than before.

Would you like to elaborate on how it was to be a rock band in Romania?
Back then it was very difficult.

Were you familiar with other bands?
With Sfinx that we shared the stage many times, we were friends.

What happened next?
Nothing happened next, since we left Romania one by one…
Were you still in touch with other members? Is any member still involved with the music?
Three of us, were reunited in Toronto Canada, one in Philadelphia, and another one in L.A. We are all involved with music and in Canada we issued our CD ‘In Blue Jeans’.

Looking back, what was the highlight of your time in the band? Which songs are you most proud of? Where and when was your most memorable gig?
Perhaps, the 3rd LP ‘Un Joc’, and the songs that I am most proud of are “Jungla”, “La ceasul cand stelele incep sa apuna” (from the 3rd LP), “Spirala timpului” (from the 2nd LP ‘Zi cu Zi’), “La rascruce de vant” (from the 1st LP ‘Zece paşi’).

Is there any unreleased material by F.F.N.?
There is one song which we recorded at the Romania Radio and TV back in the day, that never appeared on any of our singles, LPs or CD. It is called “Lacrimi in ochi”.
What currently occupies your life?
Writing music, and rehearsing with my band members of more than 45 years.

Thank you for taking your time. Last word is yours.
I wish you and your family well.
– Klemen Breznikar