Bear Bones, Lay Low
‘NIMP Preset’ is, as Ernesto González says in this interview “the flipping and dissociation of preset musical forms which accompany us in our daily march towards oblivion”. I couldn’t have said it any better way.
“Happy to have no direction”
Is NIMP short for ‘N’importe quoi’?
Ernesto González: NIMP stands for Neurally Integrated Musical Pollination, but it can also stand for Ninguna Moraleja Melódica Parecida or also Nonchanlance Induite Métaphoriquement Parfaite. It represents a way of manipulating widely used electronic musical instruments in a semi-unorthodox and preferably avoided way, pushing machines (or “toys” as is the preferred nomenclature) to NOT do what they are intended to do all while doing exactly what they are made to do. It is also a group of “people” that spend too much time in said activities and sharing experiments through an online messenger service. For now, the “community” is mostly of “French” origin but it is obviously much larger and completely unaware of its ties and existence and is quite happy and better off this way.

And ‘NIMP Preset’?
The ‘NIMP Preset’ is an exercise in applying the main principal of whatever into well established musical forms by disintegrating their essence and keeping their elements in order to make new chart toppers, bangers and virals. The equipment used is minimal, modern and slick: a programmable board named after a Mexican amphibian, a device filled with sounds without any knowledge of its internal workings and a Gameboy-like effects processor. Only “digital” information is treated, I guess the only “analog” part is the fact that it comes out of speakers.
This music sounds different to me than your other work.
It is because it is founded on principals that are new to me which include The Cleansing of the Stereophonic Effect, Bass Stutter Definition, Parallel Glitching, The Pinching of Samples and Crispiness Above All. I will not get into these because I’m not even sure they even exist, but they provided important guidelines for the extremely tedious and conceptual work I have undergone to complete this exercise presented with full-color “artwork” upon downloading (against payment).

Is this a new direction for you?
A new direction? There is only One Direction and it was a band I had the opportunity of watching on T.V. and made me happy to have no direction.
“The type of masterpiece that is best to ignore through all existence”
My favorite track is ‘Oolemba’.
One of my favorites too, that is why I put a Star on it so internauts could listen to it immediately upon landing on the Bandcamp page and hopelessly be driven to buy the album several times. Or at least give them the idea to contact me to include it in one of their “mixes”. I like ‘Gnolo’ as well and it gets on my nerves with its earworm effect. ‘Dipflush’ is also annoying as hell and I really enjoy the higher frequencies and panning there. I like ‘Snipbient’ because it’s familiar territory. I like them all actually, it is definitely a solid and important piece of Art Sonore Eléctronique and maybe of Human History if I can say so in true modesty. The type of masterpiece that is best to ignore through all existence.
Do you see this as an EP or as a full album?
It is a full album for me because it clocks at around 40 of our minutes and it is not Grind or Hardcore Punk where 25 minutes is enough for proper full-length, and for Nick Drake too apparently. It also has a heavy and deep conceptual baggage that is necessary for any album of the experimental kind to even be considered an album of the experimental kind.

How would you define what you do on this album?
The flipping and dissociation of preset musical forms which accompany us in our daily march towards oblivion. Ernesto González
Joeri Bruyninckx
Bear Bones, Lay Low Official Website / Facebook / SoundCloud / Bandcamp