Rubber Band Gun (ft. mem. Foxygen, Lemon Twigs) Shares ‘Like That’ | New Album ‘Cashes Out’ Out November 2

Uncategorized October 5, 2021

Rubber Band Gun (ft. mem. Foxygen, Lemon Twigs) Shares ‘Like That’ | New Album ‘Cashes Out’ Out November 2

Exclusive track premiere of ‘Like That’ taken from the upcoming new album ‘Cashes Out’, releases November 2 via Earth Libraries.

On the track, Basko says, “‘Like That’ is a song about excuses. It’s all the reasons not to do something. It’s your own unreliable narration, pulling you away from something better.


Basko released more albums in 2019 than most artists do in their entire career. The New Jersey indie rocker released handfuls of records in the first seven years under the moniker Rubber Band Gun — not to mention producing, engineering, and performing with everyone from Eric Slick to the Lemon Twigs. But when Basko’s friend and collaborator Jonathan Rado of Foxygen quipped that he should release 25 albums in a single year, the Rubber Band Gun 25 sprang to life. And at the heart of that diverse collection of records is ‘Cashes Out’ (due November 2 via Earth Libraries), a record that not only stands as the first vinyl release for the project, but also showcases the dazzling and dizzying heights that Rubber Band Gun psych-tinged bedroom rock can reach.

Recorded in Los Angeles and produced/recorded by Jonathan Rado, ‘Like That’ is another take on popular music stylings crafted swiftly and without hesitation. We built it in a day and what you hear on the record is our single days findings. The whole ‘Cashes Out’ album is an attempt at quick under-baked pop ideas, plastic-wrapped and ready for the free market. This song is the exemplar of that philosophy.

Rubber Band Gun Facebook / Instagram / TwitterBandcamp / Spotify
Earth Libraries Official Website / Facebook / Instagram / Bandcamp / YouTube / SoundCloud / Spotify

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