‘Organism’ by Shadow Universe | New Album, ‘Subtle Realms, Subtle Worlds’
‘Organism’ is the first single from the upcoming third album by Shadow Universe.
‘Organism’ takes a zoomed-out view and portrays the coherence of forming organisms; from a vast universe itself down to the tiniest building particles of it. It also captures a situation where an organism takes the wrong way where it can – and does – destroy itself.
“Every person experiences the world differently”
Shadow Universe is an instrumental music project, creating breath-taking cinematic soundscapes from post-rock, neoclassical/ambient and post-metal elements. Their third album, ‘Subtle Realms, Subtle Worlds’ is released on 11 March 2022 worldwide on Monotreme Records.
Every person experiences the world differently, which puts us into our own unique bubbles, subtle worlds. The album sees the building particles of the universe as separate worlds, with their own story, perception, rules and individual inner realm.
The video footage comes from NASA, Storyblocks and Shadow Universe Edited by Shadow Universe.
Shadow Universe Facebook / Instagram / Bandcamp / YouTube
Monotreme Records Official Website / Facebook / Instagram / Twitter / Bandcamp / YouTube