
Ross Beattie presents It’s Psychedelic Baby podcast #72 (May)

May 24, 2022



Ross Beattie presents It’s Psychedelic Baby podcast #72 (May)

New podcast by The Night Tripper!


Stingray Fever- Ego Death
Dhidalah- Invader Summer
Kikagaku Moyo- Dancing Blue
Trigona- Rosatom
OCH- Silverstjärnan
Dope Purple- My Evilness
Nihilist Spasm Band- When In London Sleep At The York Hotel
Sex Magick Wizards- Qliphoth Chokehold
Les Rallizes Dènudès- Vertigo Otherwise My Conviction
Ame Son- Seventh Time Key
Yoo Doo Right- Feet Together, Face Up On The Front Lawn
Far East Family Band- Birds Flying To The Cave Down To The Earth
Brainticket- Places Of Light
Helicon- Crosby, Pills & Hash

Feel free to submit your music directly to Ross for upcoming podcast at: ross_bt@yahoo.com

Ross Beattie – Poet, hermit, professional drop out – Originally from London now lives in the Highlands of Scotland and produces independent radio programs and podcasts as The Night Tripper.

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