‘The Mule Peasants’ Revolt of 12,067’ by Historically Fu**ed | Album Premiere
Exclusive album premiere of ‘The Mule Peasants’ Revolt of 12,067′ by Historically Fucked, out February 3rd via Upset The Rhythm.
Historically Fucked are four people, who each share the same duties, and whose names in sequence are Otto Willberg, David Birchall, Greta Buitkuté and Alecs Pierce. They are from Manchester and often other places. Guitar, bass, drums and voices keenly jostle amid the group’s frenzy of spontaneous rock throttles. Some of these rampant exercises in avant garde are collected on ‘The Mule Peasants’ Revolt of 12,067’, the band’s new album.
‘The Mule Peasants’ Revolt of 12,067’ by Historically Fucked was recorded by Rory Salter, mixed by Otto Willberg and mastered by Mikey Young. The liminally worrisome artwork was painted by John Cobweaver.

Historically Fucked Instagram / Bandcamp
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