Liegenaar is a pulsating source of welcoming and unwelcoming sputters. With synth, sampler, contact mic and other variable instruments, they construct sounds reminiscent of a stalactite filled cave.
In love with unexpected fast rhythms and heavy noises slowly evolving into whisperlike ambient parts.
“Cooking through sound”
Can you start by introducing yourself? Who are you? Where are you from?
We first met in a hospital. The same hospital where we both were born in Antwerp. One of us had a nosebleed. The other had a tissue. Fixed it, mixed it. And before we knew 10 years of friendship passed by.
Is Liegenaar a duo?
“Noise could also be something fragile and subtle”
When and why did you start Liegenaar? For how long have you been doing Liegenaar?
We never really “started” Liegenaar, it just happened to come about.
We guess it was out of necessity. There was a lot of mental energy like ADHD but for future ideas. Last summer we were working on a boat that provided transport for people who worked in the industry/harbor of Antwerp. By being there we encountered the roots of all the city noises and sounds. All sounds that machines or buildings or whatever produce in the city find their origin in industry and nature because of their materials and resources being produced there. When you think about it, we now live in a time where nature and industry are no longer separated from each other, they are intertwined… At the time we saw it as our civic duty to do something with this combination of sounds, to channel them and make them into bearable noise.
Noise could also be something fragile and subtle. We think you can say most human beings have been obsessed with sound since they were in the womb. At around 18 weeks of pregnancy, an unborn baby will start being able to hear sounds in the body like your heartbeat. Around 6 to 7 months, they can hear some sounds outside the body too, like your voice.
Our first gig was last summer. From there on it took off. But for quite some time we were doing stuff without even having a name. In the end it’s just all about realness, just doing things and friendship, that’s also really important. (This last sentence you have to read in a Paris Hilton voice)
Is there Liegenaar music online?
Somewhere in the corners of the world wide web you might stumble upon something, who knows…

Can you describe what Liegenaar does?
Because we like dessert we see Liegenaar as a form of cooking through sound. It’s like a sonic pruttelpot! At the same time Liegenaar isn’t something that merely occupies itself with sound although it will always be the core of the project. We always start with our synth set up, from there on the egg shell breaks and we make some pancakes, costumes, performances, something like that… In the end we just want to be Pat & Mat. This is a link to our biggest inspiration!
Joeri Bruyninckx
Headline photo: Zeger Vetters