Ross Beattie presents It’s Psychedelic Baby podcast #93 (February)
Embark on a journey through the kaleidoscopic landscapes of sound, guided by the rhythms of the past and present, with The Night Tripper’s podcast.
Ultrasonic Grand Prix- Green Means Go (00:00)
SlowRepeaT- Fuara (06:30)
Fuckwolf- Cataclysm (11:00)
The Gang- The Man With Your Plan (17:00)
The Entrails- Slumming It In Utopia (23:10)
Desert Hype & Aurora Atzeni- Nightwalker (26:10)
Puppies In The Sun- Star, The Time Has Come, You Are Ready (29:10)
The Sonic Dawn- Iron Bird (37:45)
Turnip King- Cricketzzz (40:40)
Eliot Mo- Yebab Ah Uh (45:20)
Damo Suzuki’s Network- Fall Of Fire Bird (47:10)
BIG|BRAVE- I Felt A Funeral (54:40)
Planning For Burial- Threadbare (60:40)
The American Analog Set- Too Tired To Shine I (65:20)

Don’t hesitate to send your music directly to Ross for consideration in upcoming podcasts at:
Ross Beattie, a poet and professional drop-out, who originally hails from London but now resides in the Highlands of Scotland, is the creative force behind The Night Tripper, crafting independent radio programs and podcasts.
Oh hell yeah!