‘Hic’ by Michele Ducci | New Album, ‘SIVE’

Uncategorized May 16, 2024

‘Hic’ by Michele Ducci | New Album, ‘SIVE’

Italian artist Michele Ducci unveils ‘Hic,’ the latest single from his debut solo album titled ‘SIVE,’ slated for release on June 7, 2024 by London-based label Monotreme Records.

In a dazzling revelation, Italian maestro Michele Ducci emerges with his latest sonic gem, ‘Hic,’ sending ripples through the musical cosmos. This trailblazing track marks the third installment from his highly anticipated solo debut, ‘SIVE.’

Diving into uncharted waters, ‘Hic’ embodies a bold experimental spirit, melding rhythmic Beat poetry with a raw vocal fervor that captivates the soul. Ducci unveils the genesis of this auditory odyssey, recounting a fateful night amidst the chaos of a flooded bathroom and a voice lost to the ether. Yet, from these shadows emerged a masterpiece, born from the ashes of vocal affliction and artistic tenacity.

Drawing inspiration from the poetic musings of Henry De Régnier, Ducci embarks on a musical voyage that transcends time and space, weaving a tapestry of sound that defies conventional boundaries. With only the remnants of his voice as his instrument, he crafts a sonic landscape that pulsates with primal energy, a testament to the boundless creativity that thrives in the face of adversity.

Complementing this auditory masterpiece is a visual spectacle crafted by the visionary director Marco Catapano, transporting viewers on a cinematic journey through the sun-drenched vistas of Greece’s Paxos and Corfu.

‘SIVE’ by Michele Ducci is a heartfelt journey through introspective melodies and soulful vocals, recorded entirely in analogue to preserve its raw authenticity. Inspired by philosophical conversations and adorned with handcrafted watercolor art, it’s a testament to artistic liberation and creative synergy.

Prepare to be spellbound as Michele Ducci invites you to join him on a journey into the depths of musical innovation. Pre-order your ticket to this sonic odyssey and immerse yourself in the transcendental world of ‘SIVE.’

Headline photo: Letizia Mandolisi

Michele Ducci Instagram
Monotreme Records Official Website / Facebook / Instagram / Twitter

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