ASSUR is a one-man grindcore/death metal band hailing from Antwerp.
His latest release is a split with ARCHAGATHUS, available through Loner Cult Records.
“Kitchen grindcore”
Is ASSUR a solo project? Why not form a band?
I don’t really see ASSUR as a project. There’s always been the intention to play live, so I consider it a band, even though it’s just one person.
Is ASSUR just guitar, drum computer, and vocals?
The drums are programmed. I play guitar through a split pedal into two amps, and handle vocals. Initially, I used a custom pedal with one input and three outputs, and four programmable knobs to switch outputs during songs. This setup allowed me to manage two guitar amps and a bass amp. It was a challenge to myself to handle everything except drumming, as that was all I had played until then. I’ve been playing drums for 30 years as of 2024… what a year to celebrate! I’ve also been dealing with back issues for 30 years, haha.
What does the name ASSUR mean?
I’m not entirely sure what ASSUR means to me. I remember the word from history lessons at school; there was a king named Assurbanipal. For some reason, that name stuck with me. Assurbanipal (I had to look it up) was the last king of Assyria who conquered parts of Egypt around 666 BC. Assur itself was also a major god in Assyria, a rival of Marduk and the slayer of Tiamat. Haha.
When did you start ASSUR? Was it 2006?
I started writing the first bits for ASSUR in 2004, so the band will be celebrating 20 years in 2024. More celebrations!
Why did you choose grindcore/death metal as “your kind of music?”
I started to write music I enjoyed and to challenge myself with everything except drumming, as mentioned earlier. Initially, it definitely started as a death metal band, influenced by Bolt Thrower, Nile, Vader, and similar bands. The grindcore influence has always been there, mainly inspired by Mortician, who made me think, “If two guys can do it, then one guy can do it too…” Later, it became more grindcore-oriented, partly due to what could be termed the “talent to lack talent” (punk).
How did you get into “extreme music?”
I got into extreme music around the age of 12 when I received a dubbed tape with Sepultura, Slayer, Prong, Anthrax, mainly thrash. As I explored heavier music and got into Warhammer 40K, I discovered Bolt Thrower’s ‘War Master’ album at the local library, and I was hooked ever since.

Do you play and record at home?
Yes, I write songs at home, usually in the kitchen. For the past few years, I’ve been recording guitars and vocals at a practice room, mostly at Antwerp Music City. Before that, I used to record everything in the kitchen. A lot of my songs are about food or kitchen-related, probably because of local inspiration. That’s why I call my style “kitchen grindcore.”
Joeri Bruyninckx