‘After Dark’ by Satan’s Satyrs | Album Premiere

Uncategorized August 28, 2024

‘After Dark’ by Satan’s Satyrs | Album Premiere

Exclusive album premiere of ‘After Dark’ by cult scuzz rockers Satan’s Satyrs, slated for release on August 30, 2024, via the legendary Tee Pee Records.

Alright, strap in and hold onto your eardrums, because the beast has awakened once more. After slinking through the shadows and leaving us thirsting with that searing comeback single, ‘Quick Quiet Raid,’ at the close of 2023, the notorious scuzz rock reprobates, Satan’s Satyrs, have emerged from the abyss with a brand-new slab of sonic sacrilege—’After Dark.’

The band consists of Russ Yusef on drums, Morgan McDaniel and Jarrett Nettnin on guitars, and Clayton Burgess on bass and vocals. These guys have been the dark priests of a cult that’s spanned over a decade, baptizing the faithful with four essential albums before their untimely split. They’ve been hailed by none other than Electric Wizard’s Jus Oborn, who nailed it when he said, “Violent, filthy, ugly and loud like it should be.” Now, these heralds of mayhem are unleashing their latest ritual on none other than the legendary Tee Pee Records, that sacred sanctuary of New York’s heavy underground.

“It’s a great fit for us because they can appreciate our odd-band-out legacy,” bassist Clayton Burgess intones with the wisdom of a man who’s seen the other side. “Tee Pee Records has a long history of cultivating a heavy freak rock underground and we feel right at home in that universe.”

And what a universe it is. Picture this: Sabbath, Venom, The Stooges, and Blue Cheer, all soaked in acid and wrung out in a haze of raw hatred and filth. That’s the brew these hellions have concocted, and their latest primal scream, ‘What the Winds Brought,’ is the purest distillation yet. Howling vocals, freak-fuzz guitar meltdown—this is rock at its most primal, a volcanic eruption that hurls you right back into the fires where it all began. The prodigal sons of Dungeon Rock have returned, and they’ve brought chaos in tow.

“Even during the band’s recess, I never stopped writing,” Burgess continues, as if the fire in his belly never even flickered. “We were always the riffy band on punk bills, the fast band on doom bills, the glam-tinged band on metal bills, with each album sounding different from the last. As new material slowly amassed and the right players fell into place, the potential couldn’t be ignored. The band could be a vital force again.”

When asked about the album, Clayton replied: “‘After Dark’ is thirty-five minutes of raw, bloodthirsty heavy rock. We return to our scuzzy, DIY roots, with a refined approach to song writing and musicianship. The resulting sound reflects all of our eras, from the bombast of ‘Wild Beyond Belief,’ the horror-infused atmosphere of ‘Die Screaming,’ the mischief of ‘Don’t Deliver Us,’ and the slick twin-guitar interplay of ‘The Lucky Ones.’ As we draw from our past with a refreshed creative drive, a new and distinct era begins.”

And now, the proof is in the poison. Listen to their brand-new album and feel the flames lick at your ears. Pre-order ‘After Dark’ through Tee Pee Records now, and prepare for the descent on August 30, 2024.

Hell hath no fury like a band reborn.

Satan’s Satyrs Instagram / Twitter / Bandcamp
Tee Pee Records Official Website / Facebook / Instagram / Twitter / Bandcamp / YouTube

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